Match 6,501 til 6,550 fra 9,872
# | Notater | Knyttet til |
6501 | Onsdagen d. 2. Mart. [1796] blev Enken Bodil Anders D. og ungkarl Peder Jensen fra Marke trolovede, Deres Forløftnings Mænd vare Jens Rasmussen & Knud Eskildsen begge Gaardmænd i Marke. | Familie: Peder Jensen / Bodil Andersdatter (F269)
6502 | opdragen hos sin Moster Fru Karen Anders Gøyes, i Preetz Kloster og siden 8 Aar hos Fru Inger Oxe | Knob, Anne Lauridsdatter (I3790)
6503 | opdraget hos sin Morbroder, Generalløjtnant Juel paa Taasinge, 1820 exam.jur., 1822-28 Birkedommer paa Taasinge, 1829 Kammerjunker, 1811 Postmester i Slagelse, 1862 i Nyborg, 1851 Kammerherre, 1861 afsk., 1869 R.*, erholdt 28 Nov. 1873 kgl. Anerkendelse som dansk Adelsmand. | von Krogh, Niels Krabbe (I1519)
6504 | Opdraget i Preetz. Levede efter Ægteskabets Opløsning i sine sidste Aar sindsforvirret i Svendborg under Formynderskab af sin Broder Frederik Christian Skeel, hvem hun indsatte til sin Arving. | Skeel, Amalie Margrethe (I1045)
6505 | Opdraget paa Brahe-Trolleborg, 1801 (5 Maj) immatr. i Kiel, 1804 slesv. jur. Eksamen, studerede i Göttingen, 1807 Underretsadvokat i Oldenburg, 1809 Overretsadvokat, Mairiesekretær i Mairiet Alten-Huntorf, senere i Oldenbrok, 1823 til København, Volontær i Tyske Kancelli, 1825 dansk Kancelliraad, 1827 (22 Aug.) Over- og Landsretsadvokat i Hertugdømmerne, boede dels i Wilster, dels paa Hustruens Gaard i Oberrege. Udgav Smaaskrifter for Landbefolkningen. | Løvenskiold, Bartholomæus Herman (I5754)
6506 | Opdraget paa Brahesborg hos greve Carl Rantzau - (blev senere begr. paa Wedellsborg). | von Bülow af Plüskow, Sophie Louise (I758)
6507 | Opdraget paa Vognserup (Løvenborg) fra 1790, 1801 Student, s. A. (4 April) ved Landeværnet, 1803 (17 Okt.) cand. jur., 1804 Auskultant i Rentekammeret og Kammerjunker, udenlands 1804 til Göttingen, Holland, Frankrig og England, 1806 (23 Maj) Kaptajn i nordre sjællandske Landeværnsrgmt., 1809 (28 Marts - 6 Sept.) konst. Amtmand i Vejle Amt s. A. Medlem af Provideringskommissionen, 1810 (3 Nov.) Afsked fra Hæren, 1810 (22 Okt.)-1815 (4 Nov.) Amtmand over Holbæk Amt, 1812 (23 Jan.) Kammerherre og R*, 1817 (24 Juni) Amtmand over Svendborg Amt, 1822 (3 Febr.) Deputeret og Departementschef i Kancelliet. | Løvenskiold, Herman (I5654)
6508 | opføres her af Resen i Henhold til et Pergamentsbre v, som fandtes paa Københavns Raadstue; er vel ikke den Laurids Johansen, som nævnes paa Laaland i Aarene 1440—58. | Oxe, Laurids Johansen (I76)
6509 | opført 7 April 1741 som Søkadet reformé, 1742 slettet, 26 Maj 1756 kar. Kaptajn, surnumerær i slesvigske gev. Inf.-Reg., fik 20 Nov. s. A. Tilladelse til i nogle Aar at gaa i fransk Tjeneste, skrev 15 Febr. 1758 fra Bremen, at Hertugen af Broglie, under hvis Kommando hans Korps hidtil havde staaet, var bleven beordret til at gaa til Kassel for at støde til Prins Soubise og følge med denne til Bøhmen; Grev de Saint-Germain vilde komme til Bremen for at overtage Kommandoen over Korpset, der forøvrigt skulde bryde op og marchere til Kassel i de første Dage af Marts for derfra formentlig at afgaa til Bøhmen; Korpset bestod af tyske Regimenter, nemlig 34 Batlr. bestemte til Bøhmen, og 12 Batlr. og 30 Eskadroner, der skulde gaa tilbage til Flandern, død 7 Maj 1758 i Dieburg, 6 Mil fra Frankfurt a. Main. | Danneskiold-Samsøe, Friedrich Christian greve (I9153)
6510 | opkaldtes efter Morfaderen, hvis Familienavn Thura (dannet af lat. thus — fl. thura, Røgelse) han antog, kom 1658 i Køge Skole, dim. 1676 herfra til Universitetet, 1680 cand. theol., 1680 Hører og 1681 Rektor ved Køge Skole, 1682 Magister, 1690—94 udenlands, 1697 Præst ved den hollandske Menighed paa Frederiksberg, 1703 Sognepræst ved Vor Frue Kirke i Aarhus og Provst over Ning Herred, 1706 Sognepræst ved Aarhus Domkirke, Stiftsprovst og Provst for Hasle Herred, 1714 Biskop i Ribe. | Widsted, Lauritz Thura Lauritzen (I9404)
6511 | Oplysning fra Folketælling 1855, samt Kirkebog Sorø Amt, Øster Flakkebjerg Herred, Marvede AO opslag 31, ved Dåb Pigen Ane Marie Nielsdatter, Menstrup ... ?? Gmd Ole Larsens datter, Fadderne Gmd. OleLarsen, Gmd Anders Olsen og Gmd Hans Hansen alle af Mensrtup | Christensen, Hans (I1488)
6512 | Oplysning fra Folketælling 1860, Efternavnet er skrevet til Hansen, nedenunder er påført et plejebarn, Ved Folketælling 1870 er efternavnet ændret til Christensdatter, I Kirkebogen Sorø Amt, øster Flakkebjerg Herred, Marvede, er ved dåb skrevet Ane Marie Hansdatter, datter af Indsidder Christen JR Hansen af Menstrup og Hustru Margrethe Jespersdatteraf Menstrup, moderen 26 Aar gl. Ved dåb, Pigen Bodil Jespersdatter paa [Fodbygaard] ...?? Smed Hans Pedersen ...?? Menstrup ...?? Grdm Hans Hansen, Grdm Ole Larsen, Grdm Anders Olsen alle af Menstrup | Christensdatter, Ane Marie (I1490)
6513 | Oplysning fra Folketælling 1870, AO opslag 15 | Hansen [Christensdatter], Ane Margrethe (I1493)
6514 | Oplysninger fra Wiberg 7. 21/5 1679. Erik Hansen Knoph (Knopff) af Bregninge-B., f. 2/1 50; St. Slag. 67; 1 ~ Anna Knudsdtr. Friis af Nordby p. S., † 85; 2 ~ Maren Sørensdtr. Gram; 2 ~ Etm.; [† 1689]. KUM I, s. 340 (»Ericus Iohannis Bregning«). | Hansen Knoph [Præst 974-7], Erik (I88888938)
6515 | Oplysninger fra Wiberg 7. 21/5 1679. Erik Hansen Knoph (Knopff) af Bregninge-B., f. 2/1 50; St. Slag. 67; 1 ~ Anna Knudsdtr. Friis af Nordby p. S., † 85; 2 ~ Maren Sørensdtr. Gram; 2 ~ Etm.; [† 1689]. KUM I, s. 340 (»Ericus Iohannis Bregning«). | Hansen Knoph [Præst 974-7], Erik (I49)
6516 | oppebar Skylden af en Gaard, som hendes to sidstnævnte Sønner skjænkede til Dueholm Kloster, hvilket Gavebrev Mogens og Peder Mogensen havde beseglet, vist nok begravet i Dueholm Kloster. | Glob (Due), Kirsten Mogensdatter (I4665)
6517 | oprettede 1722 Skærsø til Stamhus. Ugift. | Benzon, Christian til Skærsø (I9197)
6518 | oprettede i 1725 den første Skole i Fjends H. i Lund, i 1739 en i Ørum. | de Lasson, Marie (I7878)
6519 | Oprettede ved Testamente af 15 januar 1770 -konfirm. 8. Juli s. å. - i forbindelse med Frederiksdal "Det Schulinske Fideikommis" på 126,250 Rdl., nu (1929) 104,068 Kr. | von Møsting, Catharine Marie (I11519)
6520 | Oprettede, ved Testamente af 10. April 1830 af den hende tilhørende Fjerdepari af Kjeldby Kirketiende "Martha Benedicte Hage's Legal" for tvende Jomfruer af Familien Hage. Legatets Fundats er af 20. Jan. 1905. | Hage, Martha Benedicte (I7548)
6521 | Ormholt hus, Torslev sogn FT-1834, Hjør., Dronningelund, Torslev | Nielsdatter, Kirsten (I9812)
6522 | Osted Hører til Ledreborg gods. - - - Samtlige personer i husstanden Roskilde, Voldborg, Osted, Ousted Bye, , 12te Familie, FT-1787, C2263 Navn: Alder: Status: Stilling i familien: Erhverv: Fødested: Bent Zachariasen 40 Gift Hosbonde Bonde og Gaard Mand Else Hansdatter 46 Gift HuusModer Karen Bentsdatter 14 Ugift Deres Børn Hans Bentsen 11 Ugift Deres Børn [Viet 27 Juni 1800 i Osted ops 83 *1] Niels Bentsen 8 Ugift Deres Børn Stine Bentsdatter 6 Ugift Deres Børn Ingeborg 1 Ugift Et Pleje-Barn fra OpfostringsHuuset Kirsten Christensdatter 70 Enke En fattig Kone faaer Almisse - - - Samtlige personer i husstanden Roskilde, Voldborg, Osted, Ousted Bye og District, , 21de Familie, FT-1801, B6475 Navn: Alder: Status: Stilling i familien: Erhverv: Fødested: Bent Zachariasen 65 Gift Mand Huusmand med Jord Else Hansdatter 61 Gift Hans Kone Niels Bentsen 21 Ugift Deres Børn Hans Bentsen 26 Gift Deres Børn, Mand Ane Marie Sørensdatter 24 Gift Hans Kone Ane 12 Ugift Et Barn fra OpfostringsHuuset | Zachariasen, Bent (I190)
6523 | Otto was born around 1204 as the only son of William of Winchester, the youngest son of Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony. He inherited his father's properties in Saxony in 1213. The death of the Prince Palatine, in 1214, may be said to have opened to him a more splendid succession than what belonged to the very circumscribed patrimony of his father; but as his uncle Henry hesitated between a desire to aggrandize his own children (daughters) and a sense of what was due to the male representative of his name and family, Otto reaped little advantage from these enlarged prospects. At last, in 1223, Henry executed a deed, by which he appointed his nephew his successor in all that remained of the allodial domains of the duchies of Saxony and Bavaria, and also in the private fiefs which he held as an individual in other parts of the empire. These states, however, constituted so small a portion of the former wealth of his illustrious house, that we should have thought there was scarcely a pretext for either envy or alarm in the breast of his enemy, yet when the Emperor, Frederick II, was made acquainted with the intentions of the Count Palatine, he began to intrigue with his daughters. That he might have a pretense for depriving Otto of the succession at his uncle's death, he purchased from Irmgard, the Margravine of Baden and Agnes, the Duchess of Bavaria their claims as the only issue of the Duke of Saxony; and no sooner was the death of Henry announced, than the King of the Romans was dispatched with an imperial force to take possession of the city and territory of Brunswick. But Otto had been regularly acknowledged by the states as their legitimate sovereign and had been received as such by the city and principality. They therefore joined him heartily in repelling this invasion, and the king and his array were compelled to retire, without being able to effect the object which the emperor had in view. To be prepared against any future attempt of the same kind, Otto judged it prudent at this time to enter into a treaty with his maternal uncle King Valdemar II of Denmark, by which they respectively bound themselves to support each other against all enemies whatsoever. This treaty was in the end most injurious to the states of Brunswick. Otto was made count of Garding and Thetesbüll by King Valdemar, and participated in the Battle of Mölln of 1225 and the Battle of Bornhöved of 1227 on the side of Denmark. After the last battle Otto was prisoned in Rostock, the capital of Schwerin, where he was shut up in a fortress. The Emperor no sooner heard of Otto's confinement, than he again prepared to attack Brunswick. His son, the Roman king, was detached with a considerable force to seize upon the city; and that more weight might he given to the expedition, the Duke of Bavaria was prevailed upon to accompany him. But on their approach, they found the gates shut, and the citizens prepared to defend their liberties, while they learnt, at the same time, that the King of Denmark was advancing upon their rear. They were therefore compelled to sound a retreat; and luckily for the captive prince, the emperor had become involved in matters of higher importance, which we shall now briefly notice, and was under the necessity of withdrawing his attention from the conquest of Brunswick. It happened fortunately for the Duke of Brunswick, that the Count of Schwerin died in 1228, and that on his death-bed he had directed that he should be set at liberty. The Duke of Saxony, who claimed a joint right in his detention, refused at first to comply with the dying request of his friend, but when allowed to take possession of the Castle of Hardsacre and other states, as a security for the payment of his ransom, he was permitted to leave his prison. Otto reached Brunswick in September 1228, and was received by his vassals with every mark of respect and attachment. He renewed and confirmed the various charters granted by his ancestors to the city, and greatly enlarged its privileges; while his uncle, the King of Denmark, bestowed as a boon upon the citizens the liberty of trading in his dominions, without paying customs or any other dues. On his way from Rostock, Otho had spent some days at the court of the Margrave of Brandenburg, where he had seen and admired the Princess Matilda, the daughter of the margrave, and no sooner were his private affairs arranged, than he sent to demand the hand of this princess in marriage. It was an alliance too flattering for the House of Brandenburg to be rejected. Matters were speedily settled, and the marriage ceremony was performed with great splendor at Lüneburg. By 1227, his father's two brothers, Henry V, Count Palatine of the Rhine, and Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor, had died without surviving children, and Otto was the only heir of the properties of his grandfather Henry the Lion. But Otto had to battle for his properties against the ruling Hohenstaufen family and against local nobles; he managed to strengthen his position through his marriage to Matilda. It is alleged by some that the Duke of Brunswick was well-inclined to enter into the views of the Pope, but that he found he could neither raise men nor money sufficient to warrant even a probability of success. This we are inclined to doubt, for had Otho been ambitious, he might have obtained the empire without much difficulty; and supported as he was by England and Denmark, it is not likely that he could have been at a loss for an army, or for the means of supporting it. As a proof that Otto had the full confidence and support of the King of England, we find that the moment he obtained his liberty, he wrote to communicate the same to Henry III, who was his cousin, and as Henry's answer dated 6 March 1229 has fortunately been preserved by Thomas Rymer, it becomes a valuable part of these annals, as it puts our conjecture beyond a doubt. Later Henry send a letter to the Pope, in which he repeats his thanks to Pope Gregory IX for the zealous part he had taken in procuring the freedom of his dear cousin the Duke of Brunswick, and adds, "that as Christian Princes may approach his Holiness with their petitions, he ventures to supplicate a continuance of his especial favor to his said cousin, which by reason of their near connexion in blood he would esteem as much as if shewn to himself." He implores Gregory to promote Otto's honor whenever it is in his power, and to recommend him to the princes of the empire, as often as he had an opportunity, adding, " that he most firmly believed and trusted in the Lord, that among all the princes of the empire he would be found the one most devoted to the interests of the church; and that as he considered his release from prison owing in a great measure to the influence of the Apostolic See, he would consequently be the more obsequious to that power. In 1235, Otto achieved an agreement with the Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick II that ended the dispute between the Hohenstaufen House and the House of Welf, to which Otto belonged. This dispute had culminated when Henry the Lion was stripped of his duchies in 1180 by Frederick's grandfather, Frederick Barbarossa. According to this agreement, Otto transferred all of his private property to the Emperor, who immediately returned it to him as a hereditary imperial fief. In this way, Otto reacquired the status of a prince of the Holy Roman Empire that Henry the Lion had lost. However, the Duchy of Saxony, which Henry had held, had since then passed on to Ascanian dukes, so that the Emperor had to create a new duchy for Otto. This was the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg, named after the two central cities around which Otto's former properties were located. Otto could substantially increase his territory by supporting King William, who married his daughter Elizabeth in January of 1252. | von Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Otto I (das Kind) Herzog (I3298)
6524 | Overhofmesterinde | Bille-Brahe, Ida Marie komtesse (I7653)
6525 | overhofmesterinde hos Hendes Majestæt Dronning Ingrid. (Forældre: Viceadmiral Anton Ferdinand Mazanti Evers og Marie Alexandra Lindholm), (g. 1° 14 Okt. 1909 i Kbhvn. (B.) m. Kammerjunker, Sekondløjtnant i Livgarden Christian Eduard Baron von Lotzbeck, f. 13 Sept. 1884 død 15 Dec. 1920). | Evers, Fanny (I5429)
6526 | Overjægermester hos Dronning Anna Sophie, Landsraad i Slesvig og Holsten, hvid Ridder. | Holstein, Henning Christopher von (I6127)
6527 | Overkammerherre, Hofmarskal. | Oxholm, Oscar Siegfred Christian O'Neill (I5859)
6528 | Overkammerherre, Norsk General | Wedel-Jarlsberg, Ferdinand Carl Maria baron (I1726)
6529 | Overlærer ved Vridsløselille Fængsel 1859-81, titulær professor 1883. Forfatter. Skulle først have været Billedhugger, siden Maler, men blev Digter, var 1850 Ambulanceforvalter, derefter Huslærer, Teglværksbestyrer, blev 1859 Overlærer ved Vridsløselille, 1881 afsk. og R*., 1883 Professor, E. M. 1. | Kaalund, Hans Vilhelm (I7930)
6530 | overord. Stiftdame i Vallø. | Holck, Flemmine Caroline Charlotte komtesse (I1611)
6531 | Overordentlig Stfitsdame i Vallø | Ahlefeldt-Laurvigen, Frederikke Hedevig Antoinette komtesse (I8262)
6532 | Overordentlig Stiftdame, Vallø Slot. | Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, Anna baronesse (I5819)
6533 | Overordentlig Stiftdame, Vallø Slot. | Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, Louise (Søs) baronesse (I5820)
6534 | Overordentlig Stiftsdame i Vallø | Ahlefeldt-Laurvigen, Mathilde komtesse (I8263)
6535 | Overordentlig Stiftsdame i Vallø adelige Stift | Gyldenkrone, Rigitze Sofie Salome baronesse (I6356)
6536 | overordentlig Stiftsdame i Vallø. [K.] | Castenskiold, Alexandra Dagmar (I1968)
6537 | Overstaldmester, Geheimeraad, Kmhre., til Nærumgaard. | von Staffeldt, Wilhelm Ditlev Werner (I886)
6538 | overtog 1872 Faderens Stilling i U. S. Revenue Service, 1885 ansat i en engros Tobaksvirksomhed, 1903 Bygningsinspektør i Harrisburg. | Hage, Hother Brent (I7567)
6539 | På hendes grav der dækkes af en stor flad sten, findes følgende inskription: I det salige håb, at de døde skulle genopstå, hviler herunder de jordiske levninger af den i livet nu i døden salige madame Elisabeth Blegvad, en elskværdig datter af velærværdige og højlærde Jens Henriksen Stampe sognepræst til Hammer i Aalborg. i Aalborg stift. Moderen var Christine Amalie de Thestrup. Hendes levedage begyndte den 2 juli 1724. Et af Gud velsignet ægteskab med Chresten Blegvad Anno?, den 11 oktober, daværende købmand og handelsmand i Mariager. Han gjorde hende til en glad moder til 6 sønner og 6 døtre. Men en salig død opløste den kærlige ægteforening på Kragelund Anno 1783 den 17 august. Da hun overleverede legemet til forkrænkelighed, men sjælen i Guds hånd hvor ingen pine skal røre den. | Stampe, Else Elisabeth (I9293)
6540 | På Holgers Svendebrev for tømrerfaget i Danmark 20 April 1942 Det bevidnes herved, at Holger Otto Lasak Pedersen der er født den 7 oktober 1921 i Smidstrup og som har stået i lære fra 1 Oktiber 1937 og udlært hos Tømrermester H. J. Thomsen i Præstø den. 8 Marts 1942 ved en den 20 april 1942 afholdt prøve i Overensstemmelse med de for Svendeprøve indenfor Tømrerfaget af Handelsministeriet i Medfør af Bestemmelserne i § 14, 3. stk i lov om Lærlingeforholdet af 7 maj 1937 fastsatte forskrifter, har aflagt svendeprøve i Tømrerfaget, bestående i at udføre Dobbelt Hængeværk, der blev antage med Bronzemedalje. København den 20 April 1942. Underskrevet i Lærekontrakten er oplyst at det første år udgør lønnen 6,- om ugen, 2 år 10,- om ugen, 3 år 12 ,- om ugen og 4 år 15,- om ugen Lønnen bagudbetales hver udbetalingsdag Lørdag. fouden der årlig tilstaaes lærlingen 14 dages ferie med løn i tiden 1/5 til 15/9 i Sygdomstilfælde maa reglerne i Lovens §12 iagttages 22 sep 1993 Bopæl: 3410 W 15, Avenue, Vancouver BC, Canada V6R 221 | Pedersen, Holger Otto Lasak (I46)
6541 | på Tamdrup Bisgård. | Mandix, Jens (I6071)
6542 | Page hos Dronningen, 1776 (1 Juni) Jagtjunker, 1777 Kammerjunker, 1790 Hofjægermester, 1802 Kammerherre, 1807 Hofjægermester og Jægermester i Københavns, Frederiksborgs, Kronborgs og Jægerpris' Distrikter, 1826 Overjægermester, Gehejmeraad. | Sehested, Christopher Frederik (I6952)
6543 | Page, 1695 værgagtig, fik s. A. Forskrift til Hertugen af Wurtemberg om Ansættelse ved et Rytter-Reg. i Flandern, 1696 Kornet ved 3 Rytter Reg. (i Flandern), 1698 Løjtnant ved Livgarden til Hest, 1700 Kaptain ved holstenske Dragon-Reg., 1702 ved Rodsteens Dragon-Reg. (i Italien), 1704 Ritmester ved 3 sjæll. nation. Rytter-Reg., blev i Slaget ved Helsingborg 10 Marts 1710 skudt fra Hesten, men vedblev, liggende paa Knæ, at kommandere sin Eskadron, til han blev overmandet. | Mund, Pros (I11231)
6544 | pantsatte 1355 Gods til Jakob Herlufsen (Grubbe), hvorved Hr. Erik Barnumsen var Vidne. | Hasenberg, Erik (I5113)
6545 | Pantsatte 1494 til sin Søn Christian Skram 6 Gaarde i Næraa og Ryslinge | Banner, Anne Nielsdatter (I4744)
6546 | Pantsatte 1654 Stenballegaard og Værholm til Christoffer Bille; men solgte dem 1655 til jomfru Dorte Galde, pantsatte 1655 Rask til fru Mette Grubbe, skødede 1656 Værholm til jomfru Dorte Urne | Bille, Hilleborg (I599)
6547 | Pantsatte til Per Degn Gods i Sundby, som Hr. Per Høg indløste fra Denne, men af Lage Rød atter Indløstes fra Niels Eriksen Banner 1421 | Høg, Christen (I4664)
6548 | Parrets Ligsten kan stadig ses i Mygdal Kirke, - den til højre for hendes portrætfigur anbragte anerække viser følgende skjoldmærker; Juel, Skram, Skram, Rosensparre, Rafvad (Fugleklo), Skram, Rodsten og Skave | Juel, Karen Jørgensdatter (I3883)
6549 | Patriciske Slægter - Tredie Samling, Theodor Hauch-Fausbøll, Hans Rudolf Hiort-Lorenzen, (Dansk Genealogisk Instituts forlag 1915), s. 200. "fornemme Borger i Viborg" | Jensen, Christen (I9107)
6550 | Patriciske Slægter - Tredie Samling, Theodor Hauch-Fausbøll, Hans Rudolf Hiort-Lorenzen, (Dansk Genealogisk Instituts forlag 1915), s. 200. | Jensdatter, Mette (I9108)